高密市富通机械制造有限公司坐落于胶东半岛,东邻风景秀丽的海滨城市-青岛,西依 世界风筝都-潍坊,胶济铁路,济青高速公路横贯东西,交通便利,四通八达。公司拥有 加工各类金属、切割、弯曲、冲压、抛光、焊接、装配等各类高精设备50多套,不锈钢 钝化,达克罗涂覆,静电喷涂、表面磷化等表面处理。 公司秉承“质量**、服务**、工艺新颖”的宗旨;与国内多家贸易公司建立长期合 作关系,拥有出口欧洲,美洲,澳洲等世界各地的经验;公司全体员工热烈欢迎广大新 老客户光临指导,洽谈业务! GaoMi FuTong Machinary Co.,Ltd. located in Jiaodong peninsula, east to Qingdao, a famous seashore city, north to Weifang, which is a famous international capital. It locates with Jiqing expressway, Jiaoji Railway. We have the equipments which can process metal, and cutting curve, the ram and burnished, welding, assembly and packing those ar..